“Don’t be afraid”! Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!”.2 Kings 6:16.
Friend, in this world, we are faced with diverse calamities, wars, hurricanes…But know that we in the world but not of it. I want you to know that even in the midst of all you are faced with, you’ve got God’s angels watching over you. He will not let you fall. He will provide a way of escape for you and your family. From every storm, he will shield you, because he loves you.
Do not allow fear, but allow God’s presence by saying, I am protected by the Almighty! I am not alone. God is with me! My home is protected from every calamity and misfortune..in Jesus name!
I speak to you today God is your covering and shelter.In Jesus name. God bless you. Have a great week of great testimony.