The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1
God means different things to different people, and we are in a world where, when you call on God, people want to know where you are coming from. But we cannot forget the truth – that there is a God! Most certainly, what we have seen, heard and experienced, shows there is a God! Also, most importantly – the Bible tells us that.
Who God is to you will help you tap from the unlimited supply of God. When you come to know God for yourself, it will help you weather the storms of life. Many people can always try to define who God is, but i want you to know that what you know for yourself will last forever, and will help you in every situation!
David said God is his shepherd. How about you? who is God to you? He is my truth, my helper, my Lord, my Father….He is more than enough to me….He is everything to me….
Friends, Jesus is inviting you to know him personally right now.
He is all you need to live above all.
God bless you!
Pastor Osita