Dear brothers and sisters: The impacts of COVID-19 on our our communities and across the world has been like we have never seen before. We continue to pray for all of you and we believe God that you will be safe and healthy. We are reminded of just how critical it is to pray one for one another, and to support each other during these challenging times. We bless God for the many ways he is allowing us to join together in unity during this time. We may be seperated by physical distance but we continue to be one in spirit.
We have made it possible for you to join us for daily inspiration, and we will continue to be there for us.
We are blessed to be able to extend spiritual support for you during this time. As many of you know, we are a praying ministry, and will continue to lift you up in prayer. We believe that prayer is the key ingredient that we need right now, in order to weather the storms that we are facing.
There are many ways you can be part of this community:
Join us every day on the conference line for daily inspiration and to connect with other christians. Stay Connected. We are on every morning 6AM and 8AM, and also at 9PM. Dial 857-342-8990 to join.
Would you like to contribute? You can give an offering to allow us to provide a better online experience for our online church services.
Contact us to show support for the ministry and for the greater community. We will use that which you give to provide grocery purchases, meals and support for those who are less fortunate, including many of our children who are currently not in school
Contact us to see how you can donate to our wishlist. We are a 501c3 nonprofit and everything you give is tax deductible.
As a ministry, this is the most challenging time we’ve faced in our nearly 10 years. But, in the face of that challenge, we also see the blessings of God upon our lives and an opportunity for us to invest in you, to invest in each other, and to reach the world online for Christ, which is our true mission. We are provided with an amazing opportunity to support each other and make our online church community even stronger. Fulfilled LIfe ministries was built on building personal relationship with you – both on the ground and online,and on helping you to grow in Christ. At a time like this, we want you to know that we are here for you. Please call us if you need pray, support, or even if you just want to say hello. We are here for you.